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Section 179D Extended Through 2014

Posted by Concord
Section 179D Extended Through 2014

Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 – HR 5771

The Tax Increase Prevention Act (HR 5771) was introduced by GOP leaders late on December 1, 2014, passed by the house on 12/3/2014, passed by the Senate on 12/16/2014, and has been sent to the President for his signature. HR 5771 amends the Internal Revenue Code to extend certain expiring tax provisions relating to individuals, businesses, and the energy sector. Section 179D, the tax deduction for energy-efficient commercial buildings, is included in the package of tax provisions that are being extended through 2014. Section 179D Tax Deductions will reward businesses who — despite an uncertain legislative outlook — have continued to make energy-efficient improvements to commercial and government-owned buildings.

Concord is the nation’s leading 179D consulting firm.  We work with market leaders across America, helping firms of all size in the A/E/C industry generate more profit per square foot. If your firm is interested in learning more about how Concord can help you take advantage of incentives you have already earned, contact us today.  For immediate assistance contact Concord Managing Member Dennis J. Stilger, Jr. at or 888-897-5445.