Building Type: Hospital
Project Type: Retrofit
Qualifying Systems: HVAC
Square Footage: 143,063
Energy Savings: 33.80%
Deduction Per Square Foot: $0.60
Total Section 179D Deduction: $85,837.80

A state owned special care hospital in the Northeastern United States committed to an energy efficiency upgrade for their facility as part of an overall modernization project. The national design/build firm hired to oversee the project installed new boilers with pumping upgrades, heat recovery and economizers, and new fan coil cooling units were installed to provide a far more energy efficient system for the hospital. The designers were allocated the Section 179D deduction by the state.After working with Concord on the required certification and review, they received a $0.60 per square foot deduction for the HVAC retrofit, resulting in an $85,837.80 federal tax deduction.