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Elementary School

Posted by Dennis J. Stilger, Jr.
Elementary School

Building Type: Elementary School
Project Type: Retrofit
Qualifying Systems: Lighting/HVAC
Square Footage: 67,777
Energy Savings: 21.30%
LPD Reduction: 45.50%
Deduction Per Square Foot: $1.20
Total Section 179D Deduction: $81,332.40

As part of a school system wide energy efficiency retrofit project, an architectural firm in the western US was tasked with the design of both the retrofit and new construction for the city’s K-12 school system. This case study highlights an elementary school that received high efficiency single zone RTU’s with system controls along with new T8 lighting throughout the school. The school system allocated the Section 179D deduction to the architectural firm and they enlisted Concord’s services to complete the Section 179D certification. The results, a $81,332.40 Section 179D deduction for this one building.